A veteran-owned business dedicated to customizing bugout bags for the individual.
I got tired of seeing the same old cheap survival bags that don’t take your geography, physical capabilities, dietary restrictions, or anything about you into account. And worse are those bags that promise 3 days of survival for one person. Who? And in what climate? And why are they all packed in camouflaged bags that attract attention? Everyone’s situation is different so your survival kit has to be tailored for each individual.

Maybe you have diabetes. Maybe you're the "cranky when hungry" type who needs to carry more food. Maybe you sweat like crazy and need additional towels, t-shirts, and underwear.
Schedule a consultation to build a bag as unique as your needs. We'll talk about where you're going, who's going with you, what's available along the way, what you're capable of carrying, what the threats are, what your restrictions are, and anything else we can think of.
We'll make a survival kit that’s right for you. And your family.

Have a question, need more details? Don't hesitate to reach out. Fill out this form to send us an email.